Art In Harmony

The overarching message of Alejandro Lloret’s work is to ‘care for nature’, an aim he poignantly expresses through the transcendent beauty and harmony of the Thinking Natures fictional landscapes he constructs.

The ineffable nostalgia and affection that well up in viewers as they linger with these real and imaginary scenes are tributes to humanity’s being in nature and it is these feelings that Alejandro seeks to steer towards actions that protect and restore the environment.

Experiencing the diversity and potential of nature through art at a time when climate crises are at an all-time high will create a subjective experience which Alejandro hopes will awaken greater personal and collective awareness of humanity’s abuse and destruction of the environment.

In early 2021, Alejandro launched ‘Art for Harmony’— a social environmental sustainability programme with five main goals:

1. Engaging Indigenous Communities in Restoring Damaged Biomes
Promote national research into indigenous conservation and restoration practices with a view to empowering local Amazon communities to lead efforts to restore the ‎damaged biomes of Brazil’s forests and complement scientific programmes and proposals.

2. Better Nature Education 
Implement an education programme in Brazil to enhance children’s practical knowledge of Brazil’s environmental crises, helping them to understand, learn and act, nurturing future generations with the knowledge and attitudes they need to make a lasting difference.

3. Creating Systems for Sustainable Reforestation Campaigns 
Close the gap between Brazil’s environmental policies and sustainable implementation, and work with partners to ensure that reforestation campaigns are adequately staffed and funded for sustained action.

4. Collaborations for Good 
To foster enhanced understanding of our collective responsibility for the environment as rooted in our shared connection to and restorative purpose for nature by supporting diverse activities that celebrate nature’s transcendence over culture, nationality, and history, and encouraging collaborations across different industries and locales. 

5. Making Conservation a Way of Life 
To make conservation a way of life in order to ensure that we succeed in saving the environment for future generations by supporting and promoting efforts to see that conservation permeates cultural, social, economic, political, and artistic spheres of life.

If you would like to collaborate with ‘Art for Harmony’ and help us to achieve any of these goals, we would love to hear from you. Please reach out to us via email: